2023 ACA Reporting Software
for Employers and Service Providers

Are you looking for an ACA reporting solution?

Contact us now on (704)-954-8420 or email your requirements to support@acawise.com

Trusted Cloud-Based ACA Reporting Software to e-file Your
ACA Forms 1095-B and 1095-C

ACA reporting is the cloud-based process of filing ACA Forms 1095-B/C with the IRS to report the employee’s health insurance information. This is particularly mandated for employers with 50 or more full-time employees known as Applicable Large Employer (ALE) (including full-time equivalent employees) within the past year and all self-insured employers regardless of size. Otherwise, the employer is subjected to pay penalties.

However, meeting the ACA reporting requirements are challenging for Employers, Tax Consultants, CPAs, HR, Benefits Providers, and Other Third Party Administrators. That’s why they are looking for the best ACA reporting solution provider.

Meet the ACA reporting requirements with our ACA Reporting Software

To make this ACA 1095 reporting process more convenient and easier, we are here to provide the solution to manage IRS reporting needs. Our ACA reporting software is an innovative cloud-based solution designed by trained ACA experts that helps anyone looking to meet the IRS ACA reporting requirements securely and accurately.

Whether it's a small business or a large enterprise, our ACA software will help them file the required ACA Forms 1095-B/C accurately.

We will also perform different data validations such as IRS business rules, data integrity checks, TIN matching, XML schema validation, and USPS address validations. This ensures the generated forms are accurate
for transmission to avoid unwanted IRS penalties.

Visit https://www.acawise.com/aca-reporting-software/ to know about ACA Software.

Deadline to File ACA 1094/1095 Forms for 2024

Here is the 2024 ACA Reporting Deadline

Recipient Copy Deadline

Electronic Filing Deadline

Paper Filing Deadline

Know your ACA reporting requirements for tax year 2023 and e-file your ACA 1094/1095 Forms before the 2024 deadline. Avoid receiving ACA penalty letters and paying millions of dollars as penalties!

IRS Issues 2023 Final Form 1095-C / 1094-C for ACA Reporting. Click here to learn more about the
changes in ACA Forms.

Get Started with our ACA Reporting Software

To learn more about our software, you can contact our support team, who can better explain to you about our year-end
IRS ACA reporting process.

Contact Us now at (704)-954-8420 or email your requirements to support@acawise.com.

How our ACA Reporting Software Works?

Our 1095-B / 1095-C Software Software is designed in a unique way that reduces the difficulties employers face by providing a clear, user-friendly interface.

  • Provide your ACA data.
  • We validate your data.
  • We generate Forms with 1095 Codes.
  • We E-file it with the IRS and States
  • We distribute employee copies.

Ready to Get Started?

Features of Our ACA Reporting Software

The features built into our ACA Reporting Software makes the perfect cloud solution for employers, CPAs, accountants, tax consultants, payroll providers, and benefits administrators through its built-in features.

  • Multi-Source Data Import
  • Instant File upload with Excel/CSV
  • Built-In Error Checks & Validation
  • 1095-C Codes Generation
  • Form 1095-B & 1095-C Generation
  • IRS and State E-filing
  • Employee copy distribution
  • Form Corrections / Amendments
  • Full-Service ACA e-filing
  • End to End Reporting Solution
  • Detailed Project Plan
  • User-friendly Dashboard Access
  • TPA Control Panel
  • Frequent Communications at all the stages
  • US-Based Experts Assistance by Phone, Chat, or Email

To learn more about our ACA Reporting Software, visit https://www.acawise.com/

A Quick Guide for Employers

ACAwise has created a Free guide to help applicable large employers to know 2024 ACA Reporting Requirements and ACA Codes better.

ACA Reporting Requirements for

ACA Code Cheatsheet for

Meet your State Filing Requirements with our ACA Reporting Software

After the federal eliminated the penalty for individuals who do not have qualified health insurance coverage, few states have implemented the state individual mandates at the state level. It requires Employers who employ residents from their states to report the offered
health coverage information.

These States mandate the ACA Reporting at the first level
for this year.

The following states are considering the implementation of mandatory ACA reporting

To help employers meet the State mandated reporting requirements, we will take care of reporting your ACA Forms and Form MA 1099-HC
to the respective States.

Contact Us now at (704)-954-8420 or email your requirements to support@acawise.com.

ICHRA Reporting - An Overview

The individual coverage health reimbursement arrangement (ICHRA) is a new option for employers to offer health insurance benefits to their employees from the 2023 Tax Year ACA Reporting. In simple terms, ICHRA is an employer-sponsored reimbursement plan, which allows employees to purchase their own individual health insurance plans from the marketplace and submit the proof to their employers. In turn, the employer will review and reimburse the employees for their incurred cost up to their allowance amount.

Under the Affordable Care Act, ALE (Applicable Large Employer), who chooses to offer ICHRA, is subject to the ACA reporting requirement to provide its employees with affordable health insurance.

If you offered ICHRA to your employees in the previous tax year and do not know how to generate new ICHRA codes in IRS Form 1095-C. Get in touch with our ACA reporting service, we will take care of generating the ICHRA codes and e-file them with the IRS, and distribute the copies to
the covered employees.

To learn more about ICHRA, please click here.